Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke Road To Death Download

2021. 1. 21. 19:58카테고리 없음

Pokémon Soul.Link is a set of tools to aid in the streaming of Pokémon games.

Originally Pokémon Soul.Link was built as a simple improvement to EverOddish's PokeStreamer-Tools for Failstream who, at the time, was running a Nuzlocke challenge of Pokémon FireRed. The primary issue with EverOddish's script is that every time a pokémon changed position within the party, it performed a synchronous write of image files to the hard drive (synchronous meaning, the game doesn't move on until the operation is complete). This caused the game--particularly the audio--to lag.

Let's see how many likes we can hit!!! Welcome to Part 1 of Pokemon Fire Red Randomizer Nuzlocke.This is going to be one Exciting adventure! We already have. I decided to add some risk by doing the Nuzlocke challenge. Beside the challenge itself I planning to disallow potions (anything that heal HP) so poison pokemon = dead which give cure items more value. I also doing this rougelike by completely restarting the game on death.

Due to some quirks of the programming of FireRed, this happened at least four times in a row whenever a pokémon was switched out in battle (twice per pokémon), and as a frequent viewer of Failstream's stream, this sound lag drove me crazy. So, as much as it was a project to help Failstream, it was also a selfish endeavor.

As I'm a solving-interesting-problems-with-code addict (no, really, it's a problem), this project quickly spiraled out of control. Eight weeks and ~19000 lines of code later, it's become its own suite of tools, complete with a web GUI.

How it works

Rather than writing image files to the hard drive, Pokémon Soul.Link runs a local Node.JS webserver. The Lua script then sends updates to the server, and the server relays those updates to a webpage which is displayed in your streaming software (OBS Studio, XSplit, etc). These updates to the server are still synchronous, but take significantly less time than writing files to the hard drive.

All provided features work for both unmodified ROMs and randomized ones.

Pokémon Soul.Link's serving of images to your streaming software was just the beginning.

Party Display

The most important feature, at least for streaming, is the Party Display™. This provides live updating of the pokémon in your party. Each slot can display the pokémon's:

Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke Road To Death Download
  • image, including shiny images, gender-specific images, alternate form images, and eggs
  • species
  • nickname
  • level
  • special styles for when your pokémon has fainted

Perhaps most importantly, the layout and styles are completely customizable. Simple customizations can be done intuitively in the config. More complex customizations can be set in the styles section of the config, which is converted to CSS, or you can provide your own SASS/CSS files for even more extensibility.


The Dashboard is helpful for running Nuzlocke and SoulLink challenges. While Pokémon Soul.Link doesn't enforce the rules of the challenge, it does track the pokémon you've caught, including where they were caught, whether or not they are shiny, and whether or not they are static encounters. Further, for SoulLink runs, it keeps track of each pokémon's link.


Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke Road To Death Download Game

When Nuzlocke is enabled in the config (and SoulLink is disabled), the Dashboard provides a simple method of tracking which pokémon you've caught, where you caught them, and whether they're static or shiny. It also has a graveyard section that is automatically updated when one of your pokémon die.


When SoulLink is enabled in config, the Dashboard provides the same functionality as the Nuzlocke Dashboard, and on top of that, allows you to manage links between your pokémon and your partner's. This can be done manually (by picking pokémon species from a drop down), or semi-automatically via server-to-server communication over Discord.

SoulLink demo

Everything in this demo was done automatically. I simply played the games, and all display and linking was taken care of by the software.

Multiple Configurations

The main configuration file, config.json, has an option called configOverride which is a list of configuration files that overwrite whatever settings are specified in the main file. This can be helpful if you are running multiple games at once. For example, if you are running a solo game and a SoulLink game on different days of the week, and thus have two different layouts, you can simply switch between the two layouts by changing one line in config.json.

Another application for multiple configurations might be if you are running two SoulLink games with different partners using the Discord soul linking method. Different config files can specify different Discord settings for each partner.

Party display is supported for generations III, IV, and V. Those are the games supported by the original EverOddish scripts, and while I have heavily modified those files, I have not added support for other games, merely extended the current support for those games.

Support for the Dashboard is a little hazy, mostly because I haven't tested it on most games. Also, at the time of writing this documentation, I am fairly sleep-deprived and cannot really remember what will and won't work for various games.

I'm certain that basic Nuzlocke functionality works for gen III games and HeartGold/SoulSilver. I think it will work for the other gen IV games and gen V games.? I'm 75% confident it will.

For sure, static encounter detection is only available for HeartGold/SoulSilver. This prevents any sort of automatic-linking for SoulLink runs, but won't prevent you from manually specifying that a pokémon was a static encounter. It's entirely possible that SoulLink functionality will work in all gen III-V games, but I only know for certain that it works for HeartGold/SoulSilver.

If you try it on another game and a feature doesn't work, it would probably take me a couple hours to enable/fix it for your version (though I'm not guaranteeing that I'll have time to do that work). If you want to run one of these games, and use Pokémon Soul.Link to do so, contact me on my Discord server.

You can contact me on my Discord server for help and questions, or to request support for another gen III-V Pokémon game.

Found a bug?

That's not the least bit surprising to me. Pokémon Soul.Link is definitely beta-quality code. Let me know what's going on in the #bug-reports channel.

If you find a bug in the Party Display or Dashboard, please include:

  • what generation/game you are playing
  • whether you are using Nuzlocke and/or SoulLink and the SoulLink linking method if applicable
  • a screenshot (see instructions below)
  • a description of what it's doing wrong
  • a description of what it should be doing

If you find a bug in the server or run into a server error (red text), please include:

  • a description (or your best guess) at what you did right before the error occurred so that I can try to reproduce it
  • the generation/game you are playing
  • code-formatted text of the error (see below for how to format code)
  • any other info that might be helpful in debugging the issue, e.g. config settings that might be related

If you find a bug in the Lua script, please include: https://lovuderi.tistory.com/6.

  • a description of what went wrong
  • a description of what you think may have caused it so that I can attempt to reproduce it
  • the generation/game you are playing
  • code-formatted text of the error message (if there is one)
Why is this beta-quality code?

Initially I expected this to be a small one-off project that would take me a couple days, so I didn't write any tests for it. By the time I realized that this would be a much larger project, it would have been very tedious to go back and write tests.

Taking a screenshot
  • To take a screenshot of an entire window, press alt + prt scr. This will copy the window to the clipboard.

  • To take a screenshot of a portion of the screen, press + r, and run snippingtool. This will copy the area to the clipboard and as well as let you markup the image with highlighting and such. Then press ctrl + c to copy the altered image to the clipboard.

After taking a screenshot, open Discord and paste into the textbox.

Copying error messages from command prompt

To copy a portion of the command prompt's text, click and drag the text you want to copy, and then right-click.

By default, command prompt doesn't let you select text (no idea why). To enable this, press alt + m before clicking and dragging.

Formatting code in Discord

If you wrap text in ``` marks, it makes the code more readable by making the font monospaced and wrapping it in a nice box to clearly indicate what is code and what is your message.



You can also specify the language for the code block if you know it. For example, if you're copying part of config.json:


These are my nuzlocke settings..

I know nothing about computers and am having trouble with something that can't be handled on Discord..

If that is the case (and we've tried to fix things via the Discord channel), Windows has a Remote Assistance tool that allows someone to request help and watch as someone else (that is, I) does some debugging on your computer across the internet. This feature is enabled by default, but it's also one of the first things I turn off when I reinstall Windows, so we may need to do a little setup.

I totally get it if you don't want to show a complete stranger your files, even while watching as I poke around, so this option may very not be for you.

Styling Help


  • after you've set up the tool following the setup instructions (to the best of your ability--the instructions might be a little complicated, and, like all software, the tool is subject to the alignment of the stars and whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow last February 2nd),
  • the layouts provided by the included config files aren't styled the way you'd like, and
  • you can't figure out how to modify the config files to achieve a style that fits your stream layout,

feel free to ping me on Discord; if I have time, I may send you a customized configuration with the styling you want.

Pokemon-Soul.Link will always be free[1]. I'm happy to have created a tool that I know a good six people are using! But for reals, it feels good to have my work used by real people.

That said, I will gladly to take your money if you want to give it to me. Financially supporting me in any way helps me work on projects like this in my spare time, and if you feel that my work is worth money to you, I sincerely appreciate your generosity.

  1. Even if I wanted to charge (and I definitely do not), it would be an ethically gray area. For one, it's built on top of several open source projects, in particular PokeStreamer-Tools. For another, I'd be charging for a product that helps manage Nintendo's IP, if it doesn't use it outright. ↩︎

I must admit, I was getting a bit tired of playing the same old Pokemon games. Yes, they are fun, but it’s always the exact same thing. Are you a boy or a girl? Boy? Great, here is your monster, now go defeat 8 gym masters, beat a Team Rocket Clone on the way and become a Pokemon master. This is why I decided to try this challenge. As far as I understand it, the challenge was thought of by Ruby, the owner of the Nuzlocke Comics blog. He decided to play Pokemon Ruby with this set of rules and drew a comic while doing it. The name Nuzlocke came from a character in the comic (heavy Lost references). Anyways, his, and the other challenge comics he collects are really fun to read, so I heavily recommend those.

There are many variations to the rules of the Nuzlocke Challenge, some easier and some harder. Being new to this, I decided to try one of the easier set of rules:

  • Can only catch one Pokemon per route
  • All floors of the same cave count as one area
  • If a wild Pokemon faints before I catch him, I forfeited that area
  • After I get the first Pokeball, I have to catch the first Pokemon I encounter on every route. No rerolls.
  • Once a Pokemon dies, I need to either release him or put him in one of the PC Boxes, never to be used again.
  • Pokemon from trades or acquired by methods other than catching in the wilderness are not allowed

The game that I decided to try this set of rules on is Pokemon Fire Red. I prefer the first set of Pokemon and the graphics in this remake are a major improvement from the original. Also, since I am playing this on an emulator, I plan to use the fastf orward feature heavily to save time on loading and battle scenes. The rewind feature is, of course, disabled. After saying all this, I think it’s time to start the game.

I named my trainer Red in the style of the original comic, and my rival Dick for the fun of it. As my starter, I chose Charmander and nicknamed it Libby. Following the regular story, I went to the next town to get a parcel for professor Oak and got it back to him. He gave me the Poxedex. I got 5 Pokeballs and caught Rattata on Route 1. I named it Kate.

I decided to train both Kate and Libby to level 8 before continuing. This included lots of trips to the Pokemon Center, but thanks to this, Kate learned Quick Attack which will be really useful. I proceeded to route 2 and, what a surprise, I caught another Rattata. This was another female, so I named it Clare. I trained her to level 8 as well.

Next, I proceeded to Viridian forest where I caught a Kakuna, which I named Rousso. All that Rousse knew was Harden, so there was really no point training it for now. In the forest, I raised Kate and Clare to level 10 and Libby to level 14. Arriving to Pewter City, Rousso was level 6.
Pewter City is the location of the first, Rock type gym. I foolishly decided to just go for it and lost Libby and Rousso. They will both be mourned deeply (well, more Libby than Rousso). May they rest in peac

It was time to move on to the next town. I proceded through Route 3 and Mount Moon, catching a Pidgey called Missy and a Zubat called Sally on the way, respectively. As you can see, it was here that I quit with the Lost naming scheme because I was getting an unusual amount of females. I wish it was the same in real life. Being quite late in the night, or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it, I decided to end my session here.

Session End 15.6.2010. 00:59

Starting this session, I have cleared Mount Moon completely and got the Dome fossil. Proceeding on Route 4, I caught another Rattata, this time a male and named it Charley. I was finally in Cerulean city. This is where I unexpectedly stumbled into Dick and was forced to battle him. Sadly, I lost Clare in the battle.

Being shaken up by this, I decided to do some training. I trained Missy and Sally to 22. Sally evolved to a Golbat. This being Fire Red, for now this was the final stage of her evolution. Bolstered by training I went on to defeat the second gym leader, Misty, a water trainer. I suffered no losses and earned my second badge.

I proceeded to Route 24 where I caught a Catterpie. I forgot to name it, but it doesn’t really matter because, even though I evolved it to a Beautifly lightning fast, I also lost it lightning fast in a regular trainer battle due to a critical hit. At the end of Route 24 I’ve found Bills house, the creator of the PC system. After helping him with a teleportation issue, he gave me his ticket for a boat. I proceeded to Route 5, where I caught a level 15 Pidgey named Rodger (yes, typo, I know). I decided to put Charley in the Day-Care center because I’m getting swamped with Rattatas. I caught another Pidgey on Route 6. This one was level 16 and I decided to name him Mark.

I arrived to Vermilion City, where I boarded the S.S.Anne. I fought a bunch of trainers on the ship, including Dick again and I helped the ship Captain, who then gave me HM01 Cut in return. I left the ship early, not knowing it would leave, so I missed a few trainer battles. Cut was taught to Kate, so now I could enter Gym 3. This one was an Electric type and was won with no casualties.

I proceeded to Route 9 where I accidentally killed a level 9 Rattata with a critical Quick Attack. As far as I care, good riddance. I just hope I won’t lack any Pokemon later. Later on Route 10, I caught an Ekans and called him Paul. Next was Rock Tunnel where I caught a Geodude and called it Anna.

Session End 15.6.2010. 11:44

I switched Rodger out for Anna, thinking a rock type would be way more useful. I arrived at Lavender town where I bought a bunch of Great Balls and restocked on other consumables. Lavender town is the location of the Pokemon Tower, which is a Pokemon graveyard. I encountered Dick again, but managed to defeat him with no casualties. After exploring most of the Pokemon tower, I encountered a ghost who wouldn’t let me proceed. I guess I need an item to clear this area.

It was time to leave Lavender Town for now. On my way through routes 8 and 7, I caught a Pidgey named Adolf and a Meowth named Mietzi. I arrived at Celadon City. While exploring it, I managed to get a Coin Case and acquire an Evee. Since I can’t use Pokemon not caught in battle, I stored it in the PC.

The Gym 4, a Grass type gym was located in Celadon City. I defeated the leader, Erika easily thanks to Missy. After this I proceeded to Route 16 where I managed to kill a Doduo with Quick Attack again. Also, Missy evolved. Somewhere along the way, I managed to get HM02 Fly and taught it to Mark. I’ve also found the secret hideout of Team Rocket where I fought and defeated Giovanni and got the Sylph Scope.

With the Scope, I went back to the Pokemon Tower and managed to catch a level 16 Ghastly who I named Casper. I calmed the Ghost at the top and it turned out it was a Marowak. Team Rocket was holding Mr. Fuji on the top so he gave me the Pokemon Flute for saving him. An old lady in Celadon City gave me some tea, which I then handed to one of the guard blocking the road to Safron city. He said he would share it with the other four guards so now all the routes are open.

The Safron City gym was blocked by Team Rocket, but there was a fighting dojo next to it, which I also managed to clear and got a Hitmonlee in the process. Of course, I had to send it to the PC. After all this, I went to Sylph Co. which was also being controlled by Team Rocket. I fought them for a while, but I decided it was still too dangerous for me, so I got out. I used the Flute to awaken a Snorlax, which opened another route for me. On Route 18, I lost another Doduo to Quick Attack.

I managed to get to Fuchsia city, which was the home of the Safari Zone. I decided catching Safari Pokemon was against the rules, since it doesn’t include a real battle. Fuchsia City was also the home of another Gym, this time a Poison type. It was a really tough battle, which forced me to use most of my potions, but in the end, I managed to win it with no casualties.

Session End 15.6.2010. 17:34

Since I got my fifth badge, I decided I was brave enough to tackle the Sylph Co. building. This is a huge building with, I think, 12 floors weirdly connected with various teleporters and stairs. In the end, I managed to do it, defeated Giovanni again and also got the Master Ball.

Next I got to Gym 6 and defeated the psychic, Sabrina, also with no losses. Wing attack is an awesome attack! Since I had to learn Surf to proceed, I had to go to Safari Zone to get it. I did catch a few Pokemon just for my Poxedex, but they all instantly went to the PC. Since none of my Pokemon can learn surf, I have to catch one on a water route I haven’t been to yet.

Session End 15.6.2010. 22:37

The water route in question was Route 19 and I caught an awesome Pokemon, Krabby, which I then named Rick. I’m not sure where exactly I managed to get the Good Rod to catch it, but I was probably a fisherman in some random house, like all other Pokemon games. I trained him to 28 and he evolved to a Kingler.

Next I went to the Seafoam Islands cave, where I caught a Psyduck named Erica. I explored the cave for a bit, but I think I need the Strength HM to continue so I got out. On Route 21 I killed a Tangela with curse. I Tried 3 Ultra Balls, but I didn’t manage to catch it before it died. Eventually I arrived at Cinabar Island.

There was a laboratory on the island so I left my Dome Fossil there to get resurrected. Next up was Pokemon Mansion, which was a tough area. I caught a Growlithe in there and named it Jessica. After the mansion, it was time to go to Gym 7, where I defeated a fire leader. I must say, Rick was an awesome asset here.

Krabby/Kingler is kind off an underdog of the anime.

Outside the gym, Bill was waiting to take me to One island. For now I could visit the One, Two and Three islands. I managed to help some people there, but I also failed to catch any Pokemon, killing them by accident instead. Download clock screensaver mac. Since all of this was for nothing, I decided to go back to Veridian city to tackle the final Gym.

This was a ground type gym so Rick was very awesome again. I won with absolutely no difficulties. This means I have 8 badges now, so it’s time to go to the Pokemon League. First stop – Victory Road.

Off course, before all that, I had to fight stupid Dick again. I beat him with no casualties, but his Blastoise was pretty tough. After solving lots of puzzles, I finally managed to get out of Victory Road and got to the League area. Since I can now fly from here and back, I decided I have to train my Pokemon before I tackle the elite four. First I tried grinding at Victory Road, but that got boring really fast. Then I decided to use the VS Seeker to do repeat battles with trainers I’ve fought before, but I couldn’t find any that were high enough level. Still, I explored a bunch of routes and areas I haven’t visited before, and caught a few nice Pokemon. Still, none of them were good enough to replace anyone from my main team. Among other things, I got a bunch of levels and evolved Casper. Also, Rick learned his Crabhammer attack.

https://lovuderi.tistory.com/5. How do you print screen for mac. Session End 15.6.2010. 17:13

At this point, I was really short on time because exams were closing in so I decided to just go for the Elite Four. As it turns out it wasn’t that hard. I had a bunch of Potions, Ethers and status restoring items, so, with Rick being level 75, I managed to go through all four with no major issues. I was so happy about this I forgot that I also need to kick Dick’s ass for the last time. He wasn’t that hard either, at least for the first 5 of his Pokemon. Blastoise, though, was a bitch. I managed to lose two of my team members before Rick finally managed to finish him with the last of his strength. I entered my team into the Hall of Fame and Professor Oak managed to give a major scolding to Dick for, well, being a dick. I waited through the credits so I can save my game, but the emulator crashed at that point, I guess I won’t be playing the after game.

Session End 15.6.2010. 13:58

Well, as you can see, I managed to complete my first Nuzlocke Challenge, and it wasn’t hard at all. I guess I will have to try some tougher rules next time, but for now, I can add this one to my completed list. I must say, playing the game this way was really fun. If you want to spice up your Pokemon sessions, I really recommend you to try this. Also, I promise to keep a more detailed log of my journey on my next attempt at a challenge like this.

How To Get Pokemon Nuzlocke


Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke Download

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